Holy Week 2021: Good Friday

 Mark 15 //////////// Hope is Lost

Today for our devotional, I wanted to think about what it must have been like to be a disciple of Jesus on Good Friday. I decided to write this devotional a little different, and I hope you can place yourself in the mind of Peter as we remember today this great work that God has done through Christ to save us from our sins. 


Imagine the call. You still remember the day he called you with two simple words, "Follow me." You thought he might be mistaken, why a fisherman? Yet, you left your home, your family, your job... You left everything to follow after him. Something in his eyes compelled you, something in his voice draws you in. 

Imagine the road. You travel with him as he calls more followers- 12 in total. Could it be? 12 disciples, like the 12 tribes? This man is making a statement- we are starting over. The Kingdom of God is near. You think we are really doing it! There is so much hope, so much excitement. 

Imagine the witness. The paralyzed walk, the blind see, the leper is cleansed, the sick are healed, and even the dead rise. You witness all of this, and you hear his amazing parables and teachings that he brings with authority. You know it is true. You know this is Messiah. 

Imagine the confession. He asks you, "Who do you say that I am?" From all you have seen and heard and witnessed, you confess, "Lord, you're the Messiah." He responds, "Good, now don't tell people. Now I must suffer." What kind of Messiah is this? What kind of message is this? How will the Kingdom of God come if our King dies? 

Imagine the party. The moment has come. He rides into Jerusalem as King. You think this is it. The time is finally here. No more messing around. Watch out Rome! Our Messiah has come. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! We are riding to victory! 

Imagine the confusion. You think Jesus is going to Jerusalem for one thing, but you witness something completely different. You think he belongs in the temple; instead, he destroys it. You think he is above the teachers; instead, they come against him. You think he is to gather the people; instead, he is scattering them. You think he is celebrating Passover; instead, he calls the bread "his body" and the cup "his blood." You think he is to rise to power; instead, he falls to his knees. 

Imagine the disappointment. One of your own betrays him with a kiss. The man you believed to be the Messiah is carried off. The one you thought would become the greatest has now become a criminal. You stand at the trial and deny. The group runs, you hide. Barabbas is free, Jesus is beaten. 

Imagine the hopelessness. He hangs on the cross. What have you done with your last few years? Where is the power now? He can heal and deliver others, but not himself? Where is the love now? So much for the Kingdom of God. So much for the teachings. So much for the miracles. So much for the King of the Jews. So much for the new 12. Now, he is disgraced. Now, he is dead. Now, he is buried. Now, sin has won. Now, death has struck again. Now, all hope is lost. 


Friends, remember this. If the story ended on Friday, the story would never have been told. 


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